Community Helpers and Household Work for Class 3 EVS

There are lot of works done around us. We can do some by ourselves and need help get some specific works to be done. This concept will introduce the learners to different types of work and the people who do them.

They will get to know about the role of the people who make our life convenient at home and in the neighbourhood.

After reading the concept, students will be able to:

  • Discuss the meaning of dignity of labour.
  • Analyse the roles of different types of workers like vegetable vendor, tailor, cobbler, blacksmith, waiter, mason.
  • Enlist different household works.
  • Enlist the community helpers like architects, sanitation workers, licensed electricians and many more.

Each concept is explained to class 3 students using descriptions, illustrations, and concept maps. After you go through a concept, assess your learning by solving the two printable worksheets given at the end of the page.

Download the worksheets and check your answers with the worksheet solutions for the concept Community Helpers and Neighbourhood provided in PDF format.

  • A household includes a house with all its amenities and the people living there.
  • It involves many tasks so that a home can run smoothly.
  • Different members of the family do these tasks.
  • Sharing the load in a household makes our lives comfortable and helps us maintain a happy environment.


Household Work

a) Gardening:

  • It involves taking care of the plants and our garden in the house.
  • One has to do activities like tilling the soil, watering and pruning the plants, removing weeds and clearing the plant waste.
  • It can be done by both our parents or grandparents. We can also help them in the garden.


b) Cooking:

  • The skill of preparing food is called cooking.
  • Generally, the female members of the family take care of it but nowadays, the male members also participate in cooking.


c) Cleaning:

  • Maintaining cleanliness is an essential task in the household. It includes mopping, dusting, washing clothes and utensils, brooming, etc.
  • The tasks of cleaning can be shared among the family members.
  • We can also help to keep the house clean by putting our things in their proper places and not making the house dirty.


Community Helpers Name

  • The neighbourhood stands for the area where we live. It includes our house and the buildings which surround it. These buildings may be either public or private properties.
  • Different people work in our neighbourhood for the smooth functioning of our society.
  • In return, they earn money to meet their daily requirements.

a) House Help:

  • House help can be either male or female. They are hired to help with the daily chores of our house, like cleaning and cooking.


b) Sweeper:

  • Sweepers are hired to maintain cleanliness in public areas like parks, malls, walking areas, bus stands, railway stations, etc.
  • While sweepers are working to keep our surroundings clean, we should also play the role of a good citizen by following specific basic rules like—
    • Not spitting in public areas.
    • Putting the garbage only in the appropriate place.


c) Postman:

  • A person who delivers our letters, parcels and couriers is called a postman.
  • The postman works at the post office.


d) Vegetable Vendor:

  • A person who sells vegetables is called a vegetable vendor or greengrocer.


e) Tailor:

  • A person who stitches clothes using fabric is called a tailor.


f) Cobbler:

  • A person who makes and repairs shoes is called a cobbler.


g) Blacksmith:

  • A person who makes different things using iron is called a blacksmith.


h) Baker:

  • A person who sells baked items like bread, cakes, cookies, etc., is called a baker.


i) Carpenter

  • A person who makes and repairs furniture is called a carpenter.


j) Chef:

  • A person who cooks at restaurants and hotels is called a chef.


k) Waiter:

  • A person who takes our orders and serves meals at a hotel or restaurant is called a waiter.


l) Mason:

  • A person who makes buildings is called a mason.


m) Architect:

  • The person who designs a building or an apartment is called an architect.


n) Plumber:

  • A person who installs taps, showers, flushes, and does the related repair work is called a plumber.


o) Licensed Electrician:

  • The person who installs and repairs the electrical appliances is called an electrician
  • They also help fit the electrical wires in a building or an apartment.


p) Sanitation Workers:

  • Sanitation workers are hired to maintain the sanitation system of a city or area.
  • Their work includes the following—
    • Clearing the drains, sewer systems, and water treatment plants.
    • Fumigating the residential areas to keep a check on insects like mosquitoes and houseflies.
    • Collecting the household garbage from different locations and dumping it at the proper place.


Dignity of Labour:

  • Every person in our society chooses different works based on availability, skills, and qualification.
  • We must not differentiate people based on the choice of their work. Every work should be honoured equally.
  • Every work is equally important for a community to run. Imagine what will happen if sweepers stop doing their job or the sanitation workers stop working?
  • Education makes us understand this principle, and we should treat all people equally, irrespective of their jobs.


New Words:

Fumigation: The action of cleaning an area using the fumes of chemicals.

Principle: A belief or behaviour.

Amenities: A useful equipment or facility. For example, the refrigerator is an amenity for keeping our food fresh.


Division of Labour Must be Based on the Gender of A Person.

  • Works must not be distributed based on the gender of a person. Instead, they should be distributed based on interest, capability, skills, and education.
  • Earlier, females were restricted to household chores due to their lack of education.
  • But at present, education has changed the scenario and brought people on the same platform irrespective of gender.


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