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Human Body Internal Organs

Pinkey Sharma |

Child Learning |

2024-03-05 |

null mins read

Human Body Internal Organs

Table of Contents

Hey kids! Have you ever wondered what keeps you alive and kicking every day? Well, it's all thanks to your amazing internal organs! These are the unseen heroes of your body, working tirelessly to keep everything running smoothly. So, let's take a journey into the fascinating world of internal organs and learn some cool facts along the way!

Major Organs Internal Organs

Inside your body, there are several major organs that play vital roles in keeping you healthy and alive. These include your heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and large intestines. Each of these organs has a specific function that helps your body function properly.

The Heart: Your Body's Super Pump

Think of your heart like a strong pump that's always working inside your chest. It's a bit like the engine in a car, but even cooler because it keeps you alive and kicking!

Oxygen Delivery:

Your heart's main job is to send blood all around your body. Blood is like a special delivery truck carrying oxygen and all the good stuff your body needs to stay healthy.

Nutrient Delivery:

 Just like how you need yummy food to stay strong, your body's cells also need nutrients. Your heart pumps blood to deliver these nutrients to every part of your body, making sure they have everything they need to keep you going.


You might have felt your heart beat before, especially if you've been running around or feeling excited! That thump-thump sound is your heart doing its job. It beats faster when you're active and slower when you're resting, making sure to keep up with whatever you're doing.

Your Lungs: Breathing Buddies

Think of your lungs like two big balloons inside your chest. They help you do something super important – breathing!

Carbon Dioxide Cleanup:

Just like how you exhale when you blow up a balloon, your lungs help you get rid of something called carbon dioxide. It's a waste product your body doesn't need, so your lungs send it back out into the air when you breathe out.

Air Suckers:

Your lungs are like giant vacuum cleaners. When you breathe in, they expand like balloons filling up with air. This lets them suck in lots of oxygen-rich air from the world around you.

Air Pushers:

When you breathe out, your lungs get smaller, pushing out the carbon dioxide you don't need anymore. It's like squeezing a balloon to let the air out!

Oxygen Delivery:

After your lungs grab all that oxygen, it gets sent through your bloodstream to all the parts of your body. This helps your muscles work, your brain think, and everything else your body needs to do!

The Liver: Your Body's Super Helper

Think of your liver as a superhero living inside your belly, right under your ribs on the right side. Even though you can't see it, it's always busy doing important jobs to keep you healthy and strong.

Food Helper:

 When you eat yummy food, your liver gets to work, turning all the good stuff like vitamins and energy into forms your body can use. It's like a chef in your body's kitchen, making sure you get the most out of your meals!

Storage Master:

Your liver is also a super storage place. It keeps extra energy (like sugar) and important vitamins safe until your body needs them. So, if you ever feel hungry between meals, your liver is there to give you a little boost!

Digestion Partner:

Your liver makes something called bile, which helps your body break down fatty foods. It's like a superhero sidekick for your stomach, helping it digest all those tasty treats you enjoy.

Cleaning Crew:

 Just like how you clean up your room, your liver cleans up your body! It filters out any yucky stuff you might accidentally eat or drink, like chemicals from medicines or bad stuff from junk food. Then, it turns them into less harmful stuff your body can get rid of.

Waste Watcher:

 Your liver also helps your body get rid of waste products that it doesn't need anymore. It turns them into things your body can easily get rid of, keeping you feeling fresh and healthy.

Healing Hero

 Here's something amazing: if a part of your liver gets hurt, it can actually grow back! Just like how a lizard can grow its tail back, your liver can fix itself if it gets a little damaged. That's some serious superhero power!


Your Body's Clean-Up Crew ,Imagine your kidneys as two tiny bean-shaped filters inside your body. They do an amazing job of keeping your body clean and balanced!

Waste Filters:

Just like how a strainer catches noodles when you're making spaghetti, your kidneys catch waste from your blood. They filter out stuff your body doesn't need, like extra water and harmful chemicals.

Waste Removal:

 Once your kidneys catch all the waste, they turn it into something called urine. That's the yellow liquid you make when you go to the bathroom. It's your body's way of getting rid of stuff it doesn't want.

Fluid Control:

Your body needs the right amount of water to stay healthy. Your kidneys help keep this balance by controlling how much water stays in your body and how much gets sent out as urine.

Mineral Manager:

Minerals like sodium, potassium, and calcium are super important for your body to work properly. Your kidneys help keep these minerals in check so everything stays just right.

Small Intestine: Your Body's Food Processor

Think of your small intestine as a super long, twisty tube inside your belly. It's like a special factory where your body breaks down food and gets all the good stuff it needs!

Food Receiver:

After you eat a yummy meal, the food travels down from your stomach into your small intestine. It's like sending ingredients into a magical cooking pot!

Nutrient Extractor:

Inside your small intestine, special juices and helpers break down the food into tiny pieces. These tiny pieces contain all the important nutrients your body needs to grow and stay healthy!

Nutrient Collector:

Once the food is broken down, the nutrients get absorbed into your body. It's like a treasure hunt where your body grabs all the good stuff – vitamins, minerals, and energy – to keep you strong and happy!

Waste Sorter:

After your body takes all the good stuff it needs, the leftovers (like fiber and water) move into your large intestine. The small intestine did its job, so now it's time for the large intestine to handle the rest!

Large Intestines: Your Body's Water Saver

Think of your large intestines as the last stop on the digestion train. They help your body absorb water and get rid of waste, kind of like a cleanup crew!

Water Collector:

After your stomach and small intestines have done their job breaking down food and taking out the good stuff, the leftovers move into your 

large intestines:

Here, your large intestines soak up extra water like a sponge!

Balanced Hydration:

Your body needs water to stay hydrated and healthy. Your large intestines help make sure your body gets just the right amount by absorbing extra water from the food you've eaten.

Waste Mover:

Once your large intestines have sucked up all the water they can, they turn the leftovers into waste. This waste, called stool or poop, moves through your large intestines until it's ready to leave your body.

Goodbye Waste:

When it's time to go, your large intestines push the waste out of your body through your bottom (or your anus). This is your body's way of getting rid of stuff it doesn't need anymore.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it, kids! Internal organs are like the superheroes of your body, working behind the scenes to keep you healthy and happy. Take good care of them by eating nutritious foods, staying active, and getting plenty of rest. So next time you think about your body, remember all the amazing organs working hard inside (and outside) to keep you going!  These fantastic parts are the reason we can play, learn, and explore the world around us. Taking care of our bodies is super important! Eating healthy foods, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep all help keep our internal organs happy and healthy. Your internal organs will thank you for it!



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