Comparing and Ordering Numbers

To compare two numbers, we have to find out, that between those two numbers, which one is bigger and which one is smaller.

Here the height of big giraffe is 160 and the baby giraffe is 105. So, to compare their heights, we have to compare the numbers 160 and 105.

Symbols Used to Compare Numbers

The symbols we use to compare numbers are:


3 is greater than 2 3 > 2
5 is less than 6 5 < 6
89 is equal to 88 + 1 88 + 1 = 89 = 89

Rules to Compare Numbers

The table below shows the rules to compare numbers.



1) The number which is ahead in counting is the bigger one. 1) 3 > 2, 36 > 35, 489 < 490
2) If two numbers have different numbers of digits, then the number with more digits is always a greater one. 2) 489 > 89, 67 > 7
If the Numbers Have the Same Number of Digit



3) Then always start comparing numbers from the leftmost number. i) Between 756 and 648, 7 and 6 are digits at hundred’s place, and 7 > 6.
So, 756 > 648, as 7 > 6
ii) Between 84 and 56, 8 and 5 are the numbers at ten’s place.
So, 84 > 56, as 8 > 5
4) If both the numbers at hundred’s place and ten’s place are the same, then we should compare the number at once place. 4) Between 115 and 118, 5 and 8 are digits at one’s place, and the digits at hundred place and tens place are the same.
So, 118 > 115, as 8 > 5

Ordering Numbers

Arranging two or more numbers either in smaller to bigger or in bigger to the smaller manner is said to be the ordering of numbers.

There are two types of ordering of numbers that can be done.

  • Ascending Order
  • Descending Order

Ascending Order:

Arranging the numbers from the smaller number to the bigger number is called ascending order.


Arrange the following numbers in ascending order.

189, 619, 905, 872


The digit of hundred’s place of the numbers is

1, 6, 9, 8

Now, 1 < 6 < 8 < 9

So, 189 < 619 < 872 < 905

Hence, the ascending order is 189, 619, 872, 905.

Descending Order:

Arranging the numbers from the bigger number to the smaller number is called descending order.


Arrange the following numbers in descending order.

189, 619, 905, 872


The digit of hundred’s place of the numbers is

1, 6, 9, 8

Now, 9 > 8 > 6 > 1

So, 905 > 872 > 619 > 189

Hence, the descending order is 905, 872, 619, 189.

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