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Playing Violin Instrument: It’s More Than Just Music!

orchidadmin |

Child Learning |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read

Playing Violin Instrument: It’s More Than Just Music!

Table of Contents


A Musical Learning Experience

Many people have the idea that playing a musical instrument is only for highly skilled musicians. That couldn’t be further from the truth! Music lessons offer great benefits for children of all skill levels and ages. If you are helping your child choose a musical instrument they can learn in their free time, then the violin instrument could be a great choice for young children! 

Playing it is a beautiful and enriching learning experience for children. Some people might think it is not the best idea to start children on this type of instrument because they are so difficult to learn. But in reality, there are many benefits of learning violin music. It increases brain function, improves motor skills, and even teaches kids to be responsible.



We have curated 14 benefits of learning the violin instrument for kids so you can decide if the violin is the right instrument for your child to learn!


14 Advantages of Learning the Violin Instrument for Kids


Though it requires patience to learn this type of music, violin instruments promise a lifetime of benefits for your child. Following are the many advantages of choosing this musical instrument as a part of your child’s growth and development.


Improves Memory

The violin instrument is known to improve memory and stimulate the child’s neural pathways. This means they will be better able to retain information in school, which can help them do better on their tests! A new study from McMaster University’s Institute for Music and the Mind discovered that even a year of musical instruction improves memory and attention span.


Playing the Violin Calms Down Anxiety

Playing the violin instrument is a great way to calm down anxiety, and it even lowers blood pressure. Moreover, music can also aid their psychological issues like depression and stress. While concentrating on the violin, children tend to forget thoughts that hurt their mental health.


Violin Is Easy to Carry and Requires Less Space

Unlike instruments like a guitar or cello, the violin is easy to carry and can be played anywhere. This instrument doesn’t take up as much space in your house as other instruments, so they are perfect for smaller living spaces!


Improves Coordination and Self-Expression

Learning how to play this musical instrument will improve physical coordination, which can help with everyday tasks such as riding a bike. Playing the violin instrument allows you to express yourself through the violin strings, which is something that many teenagers find difficult to do in a positive way.


Improves Self-Confidence

Having the opportunity to learn an instrument can help children build their confidence and make them feel good about themselves! Music education has been proven to increase feelings of confidence and self-esteem in young lads. Violin for beginners could be a great way to help them realise their potential!


Your Child Will Make Friends

Playing music is a great way for children to meet others with the same interest. They can form friendships and be in tune with their peers too! This will also help them feel more comfortable at school, having someone they know to talk to if needed.


Online Classes Are Available

If you’re looking for a way to help your child learn the violin but don’t have anyone available to teach them, there are many violin online classes that can be taken in order to prepare for their lessons. This is great because it will allow parents and kids with busy schedules an opportunity to still find time for practicing!


Career Opportunities

Music is everyone’s door of escape from the daily struggles of life and many people go to music shows and concerts to spend quality time with themselves or their friends! Learning how to play the violin instrument can open up many career opportunities for children.


Increases the Ability to Be Patient

Playing the violin instrument can help children to be more patient. This is because they must practice every day and take their time in order for them to get better at playing it over time.


Reading Skills Will Improve

While learning violin music, children will need to read the music that they are playing in order to remember what notes come next. This is great for improving their reading skills and language comprehension!



Playing a violin instrument helps cultivate creativity because it requires a person to be creative when thinking about how best to express themselves musically with an instrument. In this sense, playing the violin can encourage children to be more creative in their other activities, too.


Their Academic Skills Improve

Playing the violin can help children improve their academic skills, too. This is because it helps them develop a greater understanding of spatial reasoning and math, which are crucial subjects in school. 


A Sense of Responsibility Blooms

Learning to play the violin instrument helps children develop a sense of responsibility. This is because they will need to be responsible for their instrument and practice on time in order to make sure it stays in good condition.

The discipline learned from playing a violin instrument can carry over into other aspects of life, too, including sports or academics.


Children Learn About Cultures

Practicing violin can help children learn about cultures from around the world because it is an international form of music. They are able to listen to and play different types of music as well which helps broaden their understanding of what’s out there in the world.


Things to Consider Before Teaching Kids Violin

There are certain things parents must take notice of before enrolling their children in violin lessons.



Is your child old enough to play the violin instrument? If your child is too young for example: below 7 years old, then learning violin might be complicated. If they are too young to hold the violin and play it, then you can have them learn the theoretical knowledge of the violin instrument. Once they are ready to give the violin strings a go, you can enrol them in a violin class!


Right Teacher

You need to ask yourself whether the teacher is a good instructor for your child and if so what is their background. What do they teach? Make sure to ask about whether or not there will be a one on one time with the student or group lessons in order to decide which would work best for your child.


Child’s Interest

You should also know whether your child really likes to play the violin. If your child doesn’t want to pursue this instrument, then you shouldn’t force it.


The Last Note

In conclusion, playing the violin instrument can provide many benefits to children. If you are considering this as a hobby or profession for your child then it is important that you research all of the different aspects of learning it. We hope this article provided you with all the information about learning the violin instrument. 


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