Since Saiqua’s birthday is on 02 April 1995.
We have DD = 02
MM = 04
CC = 19
YY = 95
Using the concept of Ramanujan’s Magic square, we have,
The numbers in the first row should be:
02, 04, 19, 95
The numbers in the second row should be:
95 + 1 = 96, 19 – 1 = 18, 04 – 3 = 01, 02 + 3 = 05
The numbers in the third row should be:
04 – 2 = 02, 02 + 2 = 4, 95 + 2 = 97, 19 – 2 = 17
The numbers in the fourth row should be:
19 + 1 = 20, 95 – 1 = 94, 02 + 1 = 03, 04 – 1 = 03
Therefore, the magic square is:
Seema Said That It Was Incorrect As the Sum of the Numbers in Each Column Was Not Equal.
Find Out the Mistakes and Also Draw the Correct Magic Square.
Magic Square, created by Rina, was:
It is observed from the numbers in the first row are as follows:
The numbers in the second row are as follows:
CC – 1, YY + 1, MM – 3, DD + 3, whereas the correct order is
YY + 1. CC – 1, MM – 3, DD + 3.
The numbers in the third row are as follows:
MM – 2, DD + 2, CC – 2, YY + 2, whereas the correct order is
MM – 2, DD + 2, YY + 2, CC – 2.
The numbers in the fourth row are as follows:
YY – 1, CC + 1, DD + 1, MM – 1, whereas the correct order is
CC + 1, YY – 1, DD + 1, MM – 1
Therefore, it is observed that Rina has interchanged the position of CC and YY from the second row to the fourth row.
The correct magic square is shown below:
From the first row, it is observed that:
DD = 08
MM = 10
CC = 19
YY = 90
The numbers in the second row should be as follows:
YY + 1. CC – 1, MM – 3, DD + 3, that is,
91, 18, 07, 11. Therefore, the missing numbers in the second row are 91 and 11.
The numbers in the third row should be as follows:
MM – 2, DD + 2, YY + 2, CC – 2, that is,
08, 10, 92, 17. Therefore, the missing numbers in the third row are 08 and 92.
The numbers in the fourth row should be as follows:
CC + 1, YY – 1, DD + 1, MM – 1, that is
20, 89, 09, 09. Therefore, the missing numbers in the third row are 89 and 09.
The complete magic box is shown below.
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